Jackson & Burke Railroad

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Log Cars

I wanted some log cars for my Shay to haul around.

I found some log skeleton kits from Don Winter and built a half dozen of them.

They are nice kits with great castings and neatly cut wood for the frame, plus they came with trucks and wheels!


I originally glued the logs in place using silicone cement.  

However, I also wanted to pull some empty log cars, so I really needed a way to make the logs easily removable, yet also be secure when running loaded.


I purchased some diametrically magnetized cylinders ( 1/8” diameter by 1/4” long) from KJ Magnetics.  

Diametrically magnetized means they stick to the sides, not the ends.

I discovered that the brass chain I used was not pure brass at all - in fact the magnets stuck to it so I could use the chain itself to help secure the loads.

I cut some 1/8” inside diameter aluminum tubing to act as a holder for the magnet.  

I punched an end of the tube to not only compress it, but act as an attachment point for the chain.